
Friday, 28 June 2019

If I was a superhero.....

If I could have any superpower what will It be and what would I do with it.

I think I want to be invisible, force and flying. If anyone sees my superpowers, I will go invisible then force them to go away then fly away. 

There are three more people that have superpowers, have laser eyes bulletproof and invisible shield. 

They all have one superpowers. When is a super bad crime, we all get our suits so nobody will know we are superheroes or who we are. We hide our identity. 

We all stick our superpowers together then "WhAAAAA BOOM" they all explode into little pieces!!     

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

All of a sudden....

We are playing outside our with friends, when all of a sudden I saw BIG FAT MAMA!!!! 

It was taller than the buildings. She was destroying New Zealand. I saw that she was destroying the land. My friends and I were sad because our families were dead. 

I was sad, happy and angry but mostly weird because Big Fat Mama was in a big house and same as me, she was behind me. 

I found some dynamite and I lit it up then I threw it under her BOOM!! She is dead. 

“YAY”! I shouted.  

The Thunderstorm

The thunderstorm struck two trees and three houses. The first that got struck was because he was charging his computer. 

Thunderstorms can cause damage because it light things on fire and it can affect animals by making them scared. 

Also it can make trees smash into buildings because of strong winds pushing them over. 

Make sure you stay inside during a thunderstorm so you keep safe.

Image result for thunderstorm picture